Saturday, June 7, 2014

AFCAT -02/2014 AFCAT 2014 Online Application form

AFCAT -02/2014 AFCAT 2014 Online Application form

Indian Air Force invites Enterprising & Adventurous Men and spirited & Dynamic Women to join Indian Air Forces as Commissioned Officers in Flying, Technical and Ground Duty Branches. IAF has recently issued AFCAT -02/2014 Notification for the relevant courses commencing in JULY 2015 for the grant of SSC. Interested Candidates can fill AFCAT Online Application form 2014 from 07th June, 2014 to 03rd July, 2014. AFCAT 2014 Eligibility Criteria, Selection Process , AFCAT Exam Date are mentioned below.

AFCAT -02/2014 Notification complete details :
Name of Post : Commissioned Officer
Name of Courses : 
A. For Female Citizens :
1. Flying branch
No. 198/15F/SSC/W ( Short Service Commission)
2. Technical Branch
No. 197/15T/SSC/W ( Short Service Commission)
3. Ground Duty Branches
No. 197/15G/SSC/W ( Short Service Commission)

B. For Male Citizens :
1. Flying Branch
a. No. 198/15F/SSC/M ( Short Service Commission)
2. Technical Branch
a. No. 197/15T/PC/M (Permanent Commission)
b. No. 197/15T/SSC/M (Short Service Commission)
3. Ground Duty Branches
a. No. 197/15G/PC/M (Permanent Commission)
b. No. 197/15G/SSC/M (Short Service Commission)

Eligibility Conditions for AFCAT 2014 :

Age Limit : 
1. For Flying Branch (both male & female) : 19 to 23 years as on 01 July 2015 i.e. Born between 02 July 1992 to 01 July 1996 (Both dates inclusive).
2. For Technical Branch (both male & female) : : 18 to 28 years as on 01 July 2015 i.e. Born between 02 July 1987 to 01 July 1997 (both dates inclusive). 
3. For Ground Duty Branches :

Age limit  
Born Between (both dates inclusive)
For  Graduates
20 yrs to 23 yrs
02 July 1992 to 01 July 1995
For Post Graduates / LLB ( Five years integrated course).
10 yrs to 25 yrs
02 July 1990 to 01 July 1995
For LLB (Three years course after Graduation )
20 yrs to 26 yrs
02 July 1989 to 01 July 1995
For M Ed / Ph D / CA / ICWA
20 yrs to 27 Years
02 July 1988 to 01 July 1995

Essential Qualification for AFCAT -02/2014 : 
1. For Flying Branch :  Graduates (Minimum three year degree course) in any discipline from a recognized University who have attained minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and have passed Maths and Physics at 10+2 level OR BE / B Tech degree (Four year course) from a recognized University with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together. 

2. For Technical Branch : 
a) Aeronautical Engineer (Electronics) {AE (L)}: All candidates applying for AE (L) branch should have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects mentioned in the notification.
b) Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical) {AE (M)} :  All candidates applying for AE (M) branch should have scored a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate in all papers put together and studied at least eight subjects out of the eighteen subjects mentioned in the notification.

3. For Ground Duty Branch :
a. For Administration & logistics : Graduate Degree (Minimum three year degree course) in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate of all papers put together or a Post Graduate Degree / equivalent Diploma in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together.
b. For Accounts : Graduate Degree in Commerce (B Com)(Minimum three year degree course) with a minimum of 60% marks in aggregate of all papers put together or Post Graduate Degree in Commerce (MCom) / CA / ICWA with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together.
c. For Education : Post Graduate Degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate of all papers put together.

Pay and Allowances :
1. Flying Branch : Rs. 72,150/-.
2. Technical Branch : Rs. 63,400/-.
3. Ground Duty Branches : Rs. 60,900/-.

AFCAT Selection Procedure : Initially candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of marks obtained in  Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) (contain multiple choice questions) and Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) (for candidates applied for technical branch only).
After that shortlisted candidates will be called for further testing . The testing would consists of 3 stages :
1. Stage-I : Intelligence test and Screening test.
2. Stage-II : Psychological test, Group Tests and Interview
3. For Flying Branch : Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) would be administered to eligible candidates.

# Note : Candidates who have failed the Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) in an earlier attempt OR a Flight Cadet suspended from flying training at Air Force Academy will not be eligible to apply.

Online e-application submission : Candidates are to apply Online on IAF Career website . Kindly follow the steps to regsiter their Online application form.
1. Log on to IAF website . Click on “CANDIDATE LOGIN” tab under the Home page.
2. Note down the registration number .
3. Read the full notification and then fill AFCAT Online Application form.
4. while filling online application form, keep recent colour passport size photograph and matriculation & other educational certificates.
5. Upload all the details carefully and take print out of filled online application form for future use.

AFCAT -02/2014 Important Dates :
Commencing date for registration of online applications : 07th june, 2014
last date for registration of online application : 03rd July, 2014
Date of AFCAT -02/2014 Examination : 31st August, 2014 (Sunday)

Read AFCAT 2014 notification for Male candidates

Read AFCAT 2014 notification for female candidates.

Fill the AFCAT Online Application form 2014.

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